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A medical exam, painless, consisting in recording many different activities while sleeping which are called physiological activies and correspond to breathing rythm,  cardiac activity (electrocardiogramou EKG) , cerebral activity (electroencephalogram or EEG), musle activity (electromyogram or EMG) of limbs or chin, oxygen saturation (SAO2) to find out if any sleep disorder occurs during sleep (like sleep apnea) , which makes it an indispensable test.



Polysomnography results

Wires and électrodes

Wires and electrodes only serves to record and consequently do not send any charge.


The equipment used is light and practice, it allows to move easily and displacements at home.  The recorded activities are collected and analysed by a specialized technician and revised by a sleep doctor, all in a short delay, which allow a quick and acute diagnostic.



** Be aware that some ambulatory examens (called cario-respiratory polygraphy) are popular to screen individuals with a potential sleep apnea, can confirm sleep apnea in some moderate to severe cases but ARE POINTLESS TO DIAGNOSE mild to moderate apnea and ALL OTHER SLEEP DISORDERS.

Evaluation sites

Detection for sleep apnea a nice way to sleep with peace of mind .

We will be happy to guide you with the best option for you!

Complementary examinations

Awake Awake Test (AAT)

Tool to verify the effectiveness of a stimulant treatment during the day treating excessive daytime sleepiness or residual drowsiness (eg at truckers) These are supervised sessions during the day following the night of recording.


Iterative sleep latency test (ISLT)

Essential in order to establish hypersomnia type diagnoses This is 4 or 5 supervised naps during the day following the recording night. Naps are at pre-determined hours to assess the excessive sleepiness present during the day, to evaluate the average sleep time as well as the presence of sleep in paradoxical sleep (narcolepsy).


Full polysomnography is:
A medical exam, painless, consisting in recording many different activities while sleeping which are called physiological activies and correspond to breathing rythm,  cardiac activity (electrocardiogramou EKG) , cerebral activity (electroencephalogram or EEG), musle activity (electromyogram or EMG) of limbs or chin, oxygen saturation (SAO2) to find out if any sleep disorder occurs during sleep (like sleep apnea) , which makes it an indispensable test.
Wires and electrodes only serves to record and consequently do not send any charge.


The equipment used is light and practice, it allows to move easily and displacements at home.  The recorded activities are collected and analysed by a specialized technician and revised by a sleep doctor, all in a short delay, which allow a quick and acute diagnostic.



** Be aware that some ambulatory examens (called cario-respiratory polygraphy) are popular to screen individuals with a potential sleep apnea, can confirm sleep apnea in some moderate to severe cases but ARE POINTLESS TO DIAGNOSE mild to moderate apnea and ALL OTHER SLEEP DISORDERS.

All this leads to extra testing, time and money!

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